
Tiny Home Community Competition 2015 – 3d architectural visualization

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Project: Tiny house competition.
Competition organization: Activate 14.
Client: Riza3Arcitects
Award: 1rst winner + merit award.
Work: 3d architecture visualisation, renderings
Year: 2015

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“This ideas competition is generated by the presence of homelessness throughout our nation. There is a pressing need in cities for affordable micro-dwellings to serve people without a stable dwelling place.”

We created the 3d architectural photorealistic renderings for the riza3architects and we won the tiny home competition of the Affordable innovative micro-housing in North Carolina U.S.A.

We had to explore and develop the following:
Affordable micro-housing to serve people whose lives are in transition.
A community center and garden to support the housing.
Modularity and prefabrication.
An environment that includes natural ecology and sustainable lifestyles.

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