
Interactive Exploration at Fortezza – Multimedia apps Greece

Application design, augmented reality applications, DESIGN, Interactive applications, Mobile applications

Interactive Exploration at Fortezza – Multimedia apps Greece

Interactive Exploration at Fortezza – Multimedia apps Greece

Project: AR Application for Fortezza in Rethymnon
Client: Rethymnon Municipality
Work: AR interactive app, 3d animation, 3d modeling, UI Design.
Year: 2023

multimedia app fortezza AR greece
multimedia applications in greece

AR Fortezza

A digital application designed for mobile devices used on-site, during hikes and visits to the Rethymnon monuments along the route. Through their mobile devices, visitors can select different points of interest with the main axis of navigation being the perspective of the area, and receive information in the form of text, images, sound, etc.

The application has 2 sub-applications, which will be activated through special marking via informative signs located at selected points within the fortress.

multimedia applications greece

The Augmented Reality Application

By facing a monument at Fortezza will be able to see with augmented reality technology (specifically at 5 points) additional elements about this monument.

The application is communicated through special marking via small informative signs located at area-selected points. Specifically, using QR code technology, digital content will be offered for the display of points of interest in the city that will follow the information and display signs of the points.

The content of the application is been structured in thematic units, with an emphasis on the section of the buildings and the axis of navigation being the perspective of the Fortress.



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