
Interactive Video Projection Mapping Installation – Cretaquarium

3d - 2d animation, DESIGN, Multimedia

Interactive Video Projection Mapping Installation – Cretaquarium

Interactive Video Projection Mapping Installation – Cretaquarium
3d mapping installation project

Genesis of a 3d turtle an interactive video projection mapping experience

The idea is for visitors to experience and watch the birth of sea turtles in front of their eyes, inside the actual aquarium building. Fourthedesign has developed a form of 3d projection mapping that project and manipulate 3d models of sea turtles onto real sand.

Video projection mapping has the ability to convert any item into any surface. Forget traditional plane projection on a wall, as 3d projection mapping has the capability to take an everyday object, such as sand, and project onto its surface without any distortion.

Project: Interactive video projection mapping
Client: CretAquarium – Thalassokosmos
Work: Interactive projection mapping installation, 3d turtle animation, 3d turtle modelling
Published: 2016

projection mapping interactive installation turtle birth
caretta caretta and leatherback interactive video installation

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