
3d medical animation, character modeling, storyboard Pfizer

3d - 2d animation, 3D modeling, character animation, Medical animation, Multimedia

3d medical animation, character modeling, storyboard Pfizer

3d medical animation, character modeling, storyboard Pfizer

3d medical animation, character modeling, storyboard Pfizer

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Project: Picky Eater Lion
Client: Group CCM – Pfizer Pharmaceutical Corporation
Work: 3d animation, 3d modeling, character rigging and animation, architecture visualization, story board design.
Year: 2013

pfizer little lion 3d character
3d lion storyboard
concept scenes picky eaters children rooms

Picky eaters families house types

Rough concept designs to experiment with the colors, photorealism and the feeling of the rooms and scenes.

The materials and furniture’s are roundly, colorful, lively and a bit childlike and we use different colors in each family eating problem so the audience can follow the story and recognize the different situations. The scenes look minimalistic and we tried to focus more on the characters and the eating problems of the children.

3d Lion model

Morphing targets is a method of 3D computer animation used together with techniques such as skeletal animation. In a morph target animation, a “deformed” version of a mesh is stored as a series of vertex positions. In each key frame of an animation, the vertices are then interpolated between these stored positions.

morphing_targets lion
3d character modelling rigging animation
3d character pfizer

3d character animation and rigging

We had to animate 8 different types of families all with different characteristics and picky eaters preschoolers that refusing to eat anything. We had to emphasize the eating problem, so we create morphing targets for eating, chewing food, unhappy and happy face suggestions.

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