

If you’re a passionate, highly talented team player, we look forward to meeting you very soon! Joining our team at fourthedesign and working on 3d-2d animation, character animation, architectural visualization, 3d modeling, application design, multimedia design, graphic design and webpage design.

application designer mokcup

Job position: Application designer

Synopsis and Tasks

We are looking for talented, self-motivated and advanced individuals with passion for gaming and expertise in technology. We are currently seeking for interactive application and Mobile Games designer to work on future mobile and gaming projects. Understanding and familiarity of game development and progress fundamentals and skills on both ios and android are required.

Experience developing native applications on iOS and Android.
Design and implement game features and components.
Capability designing new concepts, prototypes and explore new technologies.
Application performance optimizations (rendering, memory usage and file size optimization)
Troubleshoot and solve critical issues on game and app projects.
Knowledge on working with game engines (unreal engine, Unity3D)
Familiarity working with team including 3d artists and designers.

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