
VR medical animation – virtual reality experience – scientific interactive

3d - 2d animation, Application design, interactive applications, Medical animation, Multimedia design, virtual reality applications, VR and AR interactive experiences / walkthroughs

VR medical animation – virtual reality experience – scientific interactive

3d medical animation virtual reality 1
vr medical animation storyboard concepts
3d medical animation virtual reality tremfya 2

Project: Psoriasis VR Medical animation visualization
Client: Group CCM – Tremfya the first FDA-approved medication of its kind to selectively block IL-23
Work: VR Visualization, 3d animation, 3d modeling, character rigging and animation, story board design.
Year: 2019

An immersive virtual reality animation and visualization VR, development and production for Tremfya a prescription medicine used to treat adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.

The virtual reality visualization is crafted with high-end 3D graphics combined with interactivity and immersive storytelling. View the scientific mechanisms of TREMFYA® binding to a unique region of IL-23 preventing it from attaching to its receptor IL-23R.

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