
Cretan Medicare – Mobile application for ios and android

Application design, Multimedia design

Cretan Medicare – Mobile application for ios and android

Cretan Medicare – Mobile application for ios and android
cretan medicare application iphone6 mock ups

Cretan Medicare is a free app for ios and android devices that can turn your phone into a life-saving device at the tap of a button.

Project: Application design for ios and android devices.
Client: Cretan Medicare health center in Crete.
Work:  Interface design – mock ups – develop app in native iOS(xcode) and android(eclipse)  – design and develop online CMS panel for admin use.
Year: 2014

Download Application Links: iosandroid

cretan medicare application android
Cretan Medicare mock ups concepts
cretan medicare application android pop up

You can find your location with a single tap of your finger, and can provides information and directions of how to get from your current location to the closest Cretan Medical center or Doctor based on specialty.

Cretan Medicare mock ups android concepts
cretan medicare application ios_03

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