Title: Privacy Policy for "My OasisMed" Mobile Application

Thank you for choosing "My OasisMed" developed by Fourthedesign. We prioritize your privacy and are dedicated to safeguarding your information. This document outlines our policies regarding the collection, use, and deletion of personal data when you use our application.

Data Collection

"My OasisMed" does not collect any personal information or user data without explicit consent. The application may request access to your device's camera and location to provide medical information and services effectively. However, no personal data is stored or transmitted to our servers without your consent.

Account Deletion Process

"My OasisMed" does not offer an in-app account deletion option. If you wish to delete your account and associated data from "My OasisMed," please follow these steps:

Your account and any associated data will be permanently deleted from our servers upon your request, and we will notify you once the process is complete.

Types of Data Retention

Data Deleted: Upon account deletion, all personally identifiable information associated with your account, including any stored medical information or user-generated content, will be permanently removed from our servers.

Data Retained: Non-personal and aggregated data, which cannot be used to identify individual users, may be retained for analytical purposes. This data helps us improve the application's performance, user experience, and for statistical analysis.

Contact Us

If you have any concerns, questions, or wish to request further information regarding our privacy practices or account deletion, please contact us at info@fourthedesign.gr

Changes to Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes made will be updated within the application, and we encourage you to review this document periodically for any updates.

By continuing to use "My OasisMed," you agree to this Privacy Policy and the handling of your data as described herein.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 15/12/2023.

Fourthedesign is committed to ensuring the privacy and security of our users. Thank you for trusting "My OasisMed."

Fourthedesign Team

Note: Ensure the information provided aligns with your actual data handling practices and comply with relevant privacy laws and regulations in your jurisdiction.